Common Winter Skin Problems and their Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Winter Skin Problems

Ah, the winters are finally here! Along with bringing the much-needed respite from heat and rain, this amazing season also brings some common skin problems which we all dread. Dry and itchy skin, chapped lips and cracked heels, well who would like that?

Well, if you are one of those people who experience these problems more than your family and friends, then read on to find ayurvedic remedies for these common winter skin issues.

Dry and Itchy Nose

Dry and Itchy Nose

A dry and constantly itchy nose is common in winters and so is the urge to keep scratching it, isn’t it? Here are a few remedies you can try to avoid dry and itchy nose.

  • Drink more water throughout the day but make sure that you are not drinking carbonated or sugary water as it can cause your nose and mouth tissues to shrink further.
  • Enjoy a warm bath: During winters, cold temperatures tend to shrink blood vessels and tissues to reduce heat loss, causing dryness. Supplementing your body heat with a nice, warm bath can reduce the dry and itchy nose.
  • To clear your nasal path and reduce the itchiness, mix some sesame oil with ghee and rub it around your nostrils. This would help in helping you get rid of the dryness around the nose.

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Chapped Lips

Chapped Lips

Whether you are a man or a woman or even a child, with reduced humidity in the air during winters, we all are susceptible to chapped lips during the colder season. Here are some ayurvedic home remedies to say goodbye to chapped lips during winters.

  • Take a tablespoon of almond oil and mix it with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it to your chapped lips daily. The almond oil nourishes the cracked lips and lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent tightening the lips and making them supple and pink.
  • Another ayurvedic home remedy for chapped lips is to mix fresh aloe vera, scooped out of the leaves, and mix it with either the coconut oil or olive oil. Refrigerate the mixture for a few hours and use this natural lip balm throughout the day, as and when required, to get rid of the chapped, dry lips.

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Cracked Heels

Cracked Heels

Another problem that we all face during winters is cracked heels. They are dry, itchy and uncomfortable. Here are a few ayurvedic home remedies for cracked heels that you can try.

  • Mix one cup of ghee with 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder. Apply this mixture every day to the cracked heels.
  • Mix one tablespoon of each almond oil, castor oil and coconut oil and massage your heels every night before going to sleep. The mixture would help you get rid of the cracked heels.
  • Another quick remedy is using lemon halves, dipping them into sugar and scrubbing the heels with the mixture until the sugar melts on to the skin. Wash with water and pat the skin dry. This five-minute daily routine will take care of the cracked heels and make them softer.

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Dry Skin

Dry Skin

Another very common problem is dry skin. Like mentioned earlier, the contracted blood vessels and tissues caused due to the decreased humidity and colder temperatures make skin dry and itchy. Here are some easy home ayurvedic remedies for dry skin in winters.

  • The easiest ayurvedic way for dry skin is Abhangyam, which is to self-massage the body with sesame, almond or coconut oil. The best way is to warm the oil a bit before applying it to the skin. After massaging the skin with the oil, leave it for a few minutes before taking a shower, until it gets absorbed completely.
  • Sandalwood is an herb well known for its cooling properties. Apply a paste of sandalwood twice or thrice a week to get rid of dry skin, acne and pimples.

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Dry Scalp

Dry Scalp

The dreading winters bring along another dreading ‘D’ word – dandruff! Cold temperatures also cause the skin on our scalp to dry up which is characterized by a flaky white substance known as dandruff. To keep the sebaceous glands working for the scalp region, here are some of the ayurvedic home remedies to get rid of dry and itchy scalp.

  • Known as the ‘Sarva Rog Nivarana’ or the curer of all ailments in Ayurveda, the neem oil can help you get rid of the dry scalp too. Caused due to fungi, the anti-fungal and antiseptic properties of neem oil can heal the dry scalp as well. Mix neem oil with sesame oil in equal quantities, warm it up and apply the mixture directly on to the hair roots and scalp. Leave it for at least 30 minutes to be absorbed by the scalp skin completely and then wash your scalp with a cleanser.
  • Known for its hydrating properties, studies have shown that coconut oil can remove dandruff by 70% if applied regularly. Massage your scalp with coconut oil before hopping into the shower every day and get rid of dandruff easily.
  • Apply lemon juice to your scalp and scrub it gently and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Cleanse it off with a mixture of lemon juice and water before washing your hair afterwards. The acidic nature of lemon breaks the fungi down which is probably causing dandruff and itchy scalp.


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